Municipal Service Center
The Public Works Municipal Service Center is a dedicated team of customer service professionals who receive and track your requests for service. The Service Center is open Monday through Friday, 6am to 3:30pm. To report service needs, please contact the Municipal Service Center.
Please contact the Municipal Service Center when you need assistance with the following:
Potholes or street depressions
Street Lights
Traffic Signals
Damaged sidewalks, curb & gutter
Street Trees
Illegal Dumping
Problems at City Facilities
Sewer Problems
Plugged Storm Drains
Park Maintenance Issues
During non-business hours, after hours and on weekends, the Stockton Fire Department Dispatch Center receives all calls for the Public Works Service Center and will contact appropriate stand-by crews for response to the following priority conditions:
Knocked down stop sign
Overflowing manholes
Traffic signal problems
Regulatory Compliance
MUD is subject to numerous environmental regulations designed to protect the waters that sustain our lives, the land we live on, and the air we breathe. Compliance with environmental regulations is a fundamental part of our mission. The Regulatory Compliance Officer works with Federal, State, and local regulators to ensure the quality of each drop of water we use, and works closely with MUD staff in every aspect of water, wastewater, and stormwater handling.
MUD maintains a library of past permits, reports, and documents. To view a list of available documents that are not posted to the website, please visit our Archived Documents list.
The wastewater, stormwater, and water utilities operate under the regulations and requirements of permits issued by the State. MUD’s operating permits include:
Wastewater (NPDES) Permit
The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Wastewater Permit is issued pursuant to the Federal Clean Water Act through the State Water Resources Control Board and the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board. The permit governs the quality of the treated wastewater that is discharged from the treatment plant to the San Joaquin River.
Stormwater NPDES Permits
The City of Stockton and San Joaquin County jointly maintain an area-wide municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) permit to discharge stormwater runoff from storm drains within their jurisdictions. The Stormwater utility also manages the City’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Stormwater Permit and all the monitoring, testing, education, and programs required under the permit.
Collection System Permit
The State Water Resources Control Board has issued a general permit Waste Discharge Requirement that applies to all wastewater collections systems throughout the State. This permit is intended to minimize sanitary sewer overflows (spills) from collection systems through requirements for proper operation and maintenance. This is a relatively new permit, and requirements are being phased in from 2007 through 2014.
Air Permits
MUD has a number of permits issued by the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District that govern the quality of emissions from combustion equipment such as cogeneration engines, boilers, direct drive motors, emergency electric generators, and a digester gas flare.